Emerald from Western Australia is currently available. Pieces have a reasonable colour and clarity. Crystals are well formed hexagons. The 16 small pieces in the foreground are US$10- each (range from 1-3g). They can just be slightly trimmed and used or stones cut. The larger specimen pieces are US$6- a gram
huge range of stibnite specimens have been personally acquired from Chinese mine
sites. The
stibnite specimen quality and range will knock your socks off. These will be posted
soon and the best pieces will be in Tucson!
Definitely for the discerning collector
- Lead Vanadate - Pb(Zn,
Cu) (VO3
D1: A reddish brown color with orange botryoidal masses of descloizite on the back of the prismatic crystals, 2 inches by 1.5 inches $US199- |
D2: large 12cm x 5cm piece with a plethora of prismatic crystals extruding from a relatively flat base $US259- |
Ferberite - Iron Manganese Tungstate - (Fe, Mn)WO4
F1: Tabular and prismatic crystals of a 8cm Ferberite with a complex termination and a contrasting piggybacking quartz crystal US$399- |
Green Beryl on feldspar & Quartz from Western Australia. Large specimens with partial green gem quality material available. These specimens may be heat-treated, at a cost, to form the aquamarine blue color. Also, Beryl rough is available, email us for more details. The price is negotiable depending on the amount.
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For further descriptions of any mineral on this site or enquiries on what we may have available contact us below
ÓNew Find Minerals, 2003